Formal languages

Deterministic context-free language

In formal language theory, deterministic context-free languages (DCFL) are a proper subset of context-free languages. They are the context-free languages that can be accepted by a deterministic pushdown automaton. DCFLs are always unambiguous, meaning that they admit an unambiguous grammar. There are non-deterministic unambiguous CFLs, so DCFLs form a proper subset of unambiguous CFLs. DCFLs are of great practical interest, as they can be parsed in linear time, and various restricted forms of DCFGs admit simple practical parsers. They are thus widely used throughout computer science. (Wikipedia).

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Context Free Languages

Theory of Computation 5. Context Free Languages ADUni

From playlist [Shai Simonson]Theory of Computation

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7.1: Intro to Session 7: Context-Free Grammar - Programming with Text

This video introduces Session 7: Context-Free Grammar from the ITP course "Programming from A to Z". A Context-Free Grammar is a set of recursive "replacement" rules to generate text. In this session, I discuss two JavaScript libraries: Tracery and RiTa.js for working with context-free gr

From playlist Programming with Text - All Videos

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How a Computer know a Sentence is Grammatical: Context Free Grammars [Lecture]

This is a single lecture from a course. If you you like the material and want more context (e.g., the lectures that came before), check out the whole course: (Including homeworks and reading.) Music:

From playlist Computational Linguistics I

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The Go Language (1 of 4)

An introduction to the Go programming language. Assumes knowledge of Javascript. Part of a larger series at

From playlist The Go Language

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Context Free Grammar Using NLP (Natural Language Processing) In Python | NLP Tutorial | Edureka

*** Natural Language Processing Course: *** This session on Context Free Grammar will give you a detailed and comprehensive knowledge of context-free grammar and how it is used in Natual Language Processing. It also focuses

From playlist Natural Language Processing (NLP) | NLTK with Python

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Javascript Context Tutorial - What makes Javascript Weird...and Awesome Pt5

View whole series here: Call, Apply & Bind are avoided by many JS developers, but it doesn't have to be that way. Context is a simple concept that creates complicated realities for developers. In this javascript tu

From playlist Javascript Tutorial For Beginners

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Undecidability and CFLs

Theory of Computation 10. Undecidability and CFLs ADUni

From playlist [Shai Simonson]Theory of Computation

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More lemmas, CYK

Theory of Computation 9. More lemmas, CYK ADUni

From playlist [Shai Simonson]Theory of Computation

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CFGs and NPDMs

Theory of Computation 8. CFGs and NPDMs ADUni

From playlist [Shai Simonson]Theory of Computation

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Diego Figueira: Semistructured data, Logic, and Automata – lecture 1

Semistructured data is an umbrella term encompassing data models which are not logically organized in tables (i.e., the relational data model) but rather in hierarchical structures using markers such as tags to separate semantic elements and data fields in a ‘self-describing’ way. In this

From playlist Logic and Foundations

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4. Pushdown Automata, Conversion of CFG to PDA and Reverse Conversion

MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020 Instructor: Michael Sipser View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Quickly reviewed last lecture. Defined context free grammars (CFGs) a

From playlist MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020

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Pushdown Machines

Theory of Computation 7. Pushdown Machines ADUni

From playlist [Shai Simonson]Theory of Computation

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Javascript Scope Tutorial - What Makes Javascript Weird...and Awesome Pt 4

Scope and Context are in every language, but because Javascript is always firing callbacks and running asynchronous tasks, it's easy to lose sight of what scope & context you're in. Scope and context are not the same thing. Scope is variable access - what variables the current piece of c

From playlist Javascript Tutorial For Beginners

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14. P and NP, SAT, Poly-Time Reducibility

MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020 Instructor: Michael Sipser View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Quickly reviewed last lecture. Defined NTIME(t(n)) complexity classes

From playlist MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020

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MountainWest RubyConf 2014 - Generate Parsers! Prevent Exploits! by Nick Howard

Exploits happen when attackers discover that your application is actually an interpreter for a weird programming language with operators like 'make admin', or 'consume all available memory'. Don't give them access to that kind of computational power! Stop them at the very boundaries of you

From playlist MWRC 2014

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