Topos theory

Classifying topos

In mathematics, a classifying topos for some sort of structure is a topos T such that there is a natural equivalence between geometric morphisms from a cocomplete topos E to T and the category of models for the structure in E. (Wikipedia).

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Lecture 12: Classifying topoi (Part 1)

This is the first of several talks on the subject of classifying topoi. I began with a brief reminder of the overall picture from the first talk, i.e. what are classifying topoi and why do we care (from the point of view of organising mathematics). Then I spent some time talking about tens

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André JOYAL - New variations on the notion of topos

The notion topos is a prominent member of a family of notions which includes that of abelian category, of locally presentable category and of higher topos. We propose two new members: the notion of locus and that of para-topos. The category of pointed spaces and the category of spectra are

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Olivia Caramello - 2/4 ntroduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes...

Introduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes and the « bridge » technique Construction of classifying toposes for geometric theories. Duality between the subtoposes of the classifying topos of a geometric theory and the quotients of the theory. Transfer of topos‐the

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Lecture 5: The definition of a topos (Part 2)

A topos is a Cartesian closed category with all finite limits and a subobject classifier. In his two seminar talks (of which this is the second) James Clift will explain all of these terms in detail. In his first talk he defined products, pullbacks, general limits, and exponentials and in

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André JOYAL - 3/4 A crash course in topos theory : the big picture

I will sketch an overall picture of topos theory and of the theory of locales. It includes the notion of sheaf on a site, the notion of forcing topology, of geometric morphism and Giraud's theorem. A useful principle is that a topos is a commutative ring-like object. Every topos is a quoti

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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André JOYAL - 4/4 A crash course in topos theory : the big picture

I will sketch an overall picture of topos theory and of the theory of locales. It includes the notion of sheaf on a site, the notion of forcing topology, of geometric morphism and Giraud's theorem. A useful principle is that a topos is a commutative ring-like object. Every topos is a quoti

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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André JOYAL - 2/4 A crash course in topos theory : the big picture

I will sketch an overall picture of topos theory and of the theory of locales. It includes the notion of sheaf on a site, the notion of forcing topology, of geometric morphism and Giraud's theorem. A useful principle is that a topos is a commutative ring-like object. Every topos is a quoti

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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Olivia Caramello - 3/4 ntroduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes...

Introduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes and the 'bridge' technique Theories classified by a presheaf topos and their quotients. Finite presentability, irreducible formulae and homogeneous models.

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Topoi 3: The definition of a topos

This is video number 3 in the series defining topoi. Here's the updated text used in the video: Fourth video on Power and Negation in a topos:

From playlist Algebra

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Lecture 1: Invitation to topos theory

This talk introduces the motivating question for this semester of the Curry-Howard seminar, which is how to organise mathematical knowledge using topoi. The approach sketched out in the talk is via first-order theories, their associated classifying topoi, and adjoint pairs of functors betw

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Joshua Wrigley - The Logic and Geometry of Localic Morphisms

Talk at the school and conference “Toposes online” (24-30 June 2021): Slides: In this presentation, a substitutive syntactic site for the classifying topos of a ge

From playlist Toposes online

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Ming Ng - Adelic Geometry via Topos Theory

Talk at the school and conference “Toposes online” (24-30 June 2021): Slides: Joint work with Steve Vickers In this talk, I will give a leisurely introduction to the t

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Charles Rezk - 3/4 Higher Topos Theory

Course at the school and conference “Toposes online” (24-30 June 2021): Slides: In this series of lectures I will give an introduction to the concept of "infinity

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Laurent Lafforgue - 1/4 Classifying toposes of geometric theories

Course at the school and conference “Toposes online” (24-30 June 2021): Slides: The purpose of these lectures will be to present the theory of classifying topose

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Towards elementary infinity-toposes - Michael Shulman

Vladimir Voevodsky Memorial Conference Topic: Towards elementary infinity-toposes Speaker: Michael Shulman Affiliation: University of San Diego Date: September 13, 2018 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Topoi 4: Power and Negation

This is video number 4 in the series defining topoi. Here's the updated text used in the video: Last video:

From playlist Logic

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General discussion

With Olivia Caramello, André Joyal, Laurent Lafforgue et Alain Connes

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Matthias Hutzler - Gluing classifying toposes

Talk at the school and conference “Toposes online” (24-30 June 2021):

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Lecture 4: The definition of a topos (Part 1)

A topos is a Cartesian closed category with all finite limits and a subobject classifier. In his two seminar talks (of which this is the first) James Clift will explain all of these terms in detail. In this talk he defines products, pullbacks, general limits, and exponentials and in Part 2

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Related pages

Discrete group | Mathematics | Classifying space | Topos | Zariski topology | Homotopy theory | Topological group | Simplicial set