Econometric modeling | Bayesian statistics

Bayesian econometrics

Bayesian econometrics is a branch of econometrics which applies Bayesian principles to economic modelling. Bayesianism is based on a degree-of-belief interpretation of probability, as opposed to a relative-frequency interpretation. The Bayesian principle relies on Bayes' theorem which states that the probability of B conditional on A is the ratio of joint probability of A and B divided by probability of B. Bayesian econometricians assume that coefficients in the model have prior distributions. This approach was first propagated by Arnold Zellner. (Wikipedia).

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Bayesian vs frequentist statistics probability - part 1

This video provides an intuitive explanation of the difference between Bayesian and classical frequentist statistics. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit: Unfo

From playlist Bayesian statistics: a comprehensive course

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Bayesian statistics syllabus

A description of the syllabus that will be covered in this course on Bayesian statistics. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit: Unfortunately, Ox Educ is no m

From playlist Bayesian statistics: a comprehensive course

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Bayesian vs frequentist statistics probability - part 2

This video provides a short introduction to the similarities and differences between Bayesian and Frequentist views on probability. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit:

From playlist Bayesian statistics: a comprehensive course

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Bayesian vs frequentist statistics

This video provides an intuitive explanation of the difference between Bayesian and classical frequentist statistics. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit: Un

From playlist Bayesian statistics: a comprehensive course

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5 - Bayes' rule in statistics

An introduction to the use of Bayes' rule in statistics. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit: Unfortunately, Ox Educ is no more. Don't fret however as a whol

From playlist Bayesian statistics: a comprehensive course

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15a - Maximum likelihood estimator - short introduction

This video provides a short introduction to maximum likelihood estimation. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit: Also, check out:

From playlist Bayesian statistics: a comprehensive course

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Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter: Bayesian econometrics in the Big Data Era

Abstract: Data mining methods based on finite mixture models are quite common in many areas of applied science, such as marketing, to segment data and to identify subgroups with specific features. Recent work shows that these methods are also useful in micro econometrics to analyze the beh

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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9 - Bayes' rule in inference - example: forgetting the denominator

This provides a complete example of how Bayes' rule can be used to conduct inference over a discrete parameter. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit: Unfortun

From playlist Bayesian statistics: a comprehensive course

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15 Bayes' rule: why likelihood is not a probability

An explanation as to why likelihood should not be regarded as a probability when it is used in Bayesian inference. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit: Unfor

From playlist Bayesian statistics: a comprehensive course

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Applied Machine Learning: Secret Sauce

Professor Jann Spiess shares the secret sauce of applied machine learning.

From playlist Machine Learning & Causal Inference: A Short Course

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16 Sequential Bayes: Data order invariance

A proof of the fact that for independent sequences of data, the order which they are received does not affect the posterior distribution; and hence does not affect inference. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit:

From playlist Bayesian statistics: a comprehensive course

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What is a probability distribution?

An introduction to probability distributions - both discrete and continuous - via simple examples. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit: For more information

From playlist Bayesian statistics: a comprehensive course

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Professor Mike West: Structured Dynamic Graphical Models & Scaling Multivariate Time Series

The Turing Lectures - Professor Mike West: Structured Dynamic Graphical Models & Scaling Multivariate Time Series. Click the below timestamps to navigate the video. 00:00:12 Welcome & Introduction by Doctor Ioanna Manolopoulou 00:01:19 Professor Mike West: Structured Dynamic

From playlist Turing Lectures

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Introduction to Econometrics Toolbox in MATLAB

Get a Free Trial: Get Pricing Info: Ready to Buy: Create a predictive time-series model of a stock index. For more videos, visit

From playlist Computational Finance

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What the Heck is Bayesian Stats ?? : Data Science Basics

What's all the hype about Bayesian statistics? My Patreon :

From playlist Bayesian Statistics

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7 Bayes' rule in inference the prior and denominator

This provides a short introduction into the use of Bayes' rule in inference, by going through an example where the prior and denominator in the formula are explained. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit:

From playlist Bayesian statistics: a comprehensive course

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