Actuarial science

Age stratification

In sociology, age stratification refers to the hierarchical ranking of people into age groups within a society. Age stratification could also be defined as a system of inequalities linked to age. In Western societies, for example, both the old and the young are perceived and treated as relatively incompetent and excluded from much social life. Age stratification based on an ascribed status is a major source inequality, and thus may lead to ageism. Ageism is a social inequality resulting from age stratification. This is a sociological concept that comes with studying aging population. Age stratification within a population can have major implications, affecting things such as workforce trends, social norms, family structures, government policies, and even health outcomes. (Wikipedia).

Age stratification
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Ex: Find an Age Given An Average Age and Relationship Between Two Ages

This video explains how to determine an age given an average age. A relationship between the youngest and oldest age is given.

From playlist Area Application Problems Involving Equations in One Variable

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Evolution #3 Absolute and Relative ages

Year 10 Science Evolution and Earth History Relative and absolute ages

From playlist 10 - Biology

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Teach Astronomy - Age of the Earth The age of the Earth is estimated via the fundamental physical process of radioactive decay. It's possible to measure the age of things on the Earth by, say, counting tree rings, but the oldest ages are only several thousand years. Geologists can use the se

From playlist 07. Geology and Physics

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Why You Need to Have a Proper Adolescence

It’s an enormous privilege to have an adolescence - and, to an extent rarely spoken about, not everyone gets the chance to have one. Adolescence isn’t just a particular time of one’s second decade, and it won’t unfold automatically simply when one reaches fourteen or seventeen and three qu

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Ex: Problem Solving - Find a Ratio Given Averages

This video explains how to determine a ratio given averages.

From playlist Ratios and Rates

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Gender Stratification: Crash Course Sociology #32

Today we’re looking at how society becomes stratified along gender lines. We’ll discuss Raewyn Connell’s concept of hegemonic masculinities and emphasized femininities. We’ll explore gender socialization in the home, media, and schools. Finally, we’ll explain how gender stratification resu

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ER#8 Age Of The Earth Zircon Crystals

Year 11 Earth and Environmental Science Module 1 Earth's Resources Age of the Earth Zircon crystals

From playlist Y11 EES Mod 1 Resources

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Algebra and Age Problems

An introduction to problems that deal with finding someone's age through a series of equations

From playlist Algebra

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Statistical Rethinking 2023 - 11 - Ordered Categories

Course materials: Intro music: Outline 00:00 Introduction 03:27 Ethics and trolleys 12:45 Ordered categories 32:01 Ordered categorical models 40:40 Participation bias 44:10 Pause 44:30 Ordered

From playlist Statistical Rethinking 2023

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Valentijn Karemaker, Mass formulae for supersingular abelian varieties

VaNTAGe seminar, Jan 18, 2022 License: CC-BY-NC-SA Links to some of the papers mentioned in this talk: Oort: Honda: Tate: Tate: https

From playlist Curves and abelian varieties over finite fields

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The Mismeasure of Man

September 5, 2007 presentation by Ralph Horwitz for the Stanford School of Medicine Medcast lecture series. Ralph Horwitz, MD, professor of medicine at Stanford discusses how measurement can both strengthen and weaken clinical science and care. Often overlooked amid today's enthusiasm

From playlist Feature | Medcast

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Lect.5G: R And The Age Of The Lecturer

Lecture with Per B. Brockhoff. Chapters: 00:00 - Example;

From playlist DTU: Introduction to Statistics |

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Race, Class, and College Admissions - Stanford Legal on Sirius XM Radio

Law Professor Rick Banks, author of the forthcoming book Meritocracy in an Age of Inequality, discusses college admissions, race, and class during a live taping of the “Stanford Legal” podcast.

From playlist Stanford Legal podcast

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Max Weber & Modernity: Crash Course Sociology #9

This week we are wrapping up our overview of sociology’s core frameworks and founding theorists with a look Max Weber and his understanding of the modern world. We’ll explore rationalization and the transition from traditional to modern society. We’ll also discuss bureaucracy, legitimacy,

From playlist Sociology

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Global Stratification & Poverty: Crash Course Sociology #27

This week we’re taking our discussion of stratification global. We’ll look at First and Third World countries and the reasons why these terms are no longer used. We’ll introduce the four types of country categories we now use: high income, upper middle income, lower middle income, and low

From playlist Sociology

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5. Risk Stratification, Part 2

MIT 6.S897 Machine Learning for Healthcare, Spring 2019 Instructor: David Sontag View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Prof. Sontag continues with the topic of risk stratification.

From playlist MIT 6.S897 Machine Learning for Healthcare, Spring 2019

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Recursive combinatorial aspects of compactified moduli spaces – Lucia Caporaso – ICM2018

Algebraic and Complex Geometry Invited Lecture 4.3 Recursive combinatorial aspects of compactified moduli spaces Lucia Caporaso Abstract: In recent years an interesting connection has been established between some moduli spaces of algebro-geometric objects (e.g. algebraic stable curves)

From playlist Algebraic & Complex Geometry

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Stratified Turbulence and Mixing Processes STAMP (Lecture 1) by Paul Linden

DISCUSSION MEETING WAVES, INSTABILITIES AND MIXING IN ROTATING AND STRATIFIED FLOWS (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Thierry Dauxois (CNRS & ENS de Lyon, France), Sylvain Joubaud (ENS de Lyon, France), Manikandan Mathur (IIT Madras, India), Philippe Odier (ENS de Lyon, France) and Anubhab Roy (IIT M

From playlist Waves, Instabilities and Mixing in Rotating and Stratified Flows (ONLINE)

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Teach Astronomy - Ages of Star Clusters It's difficult to measure the ages of stars. We have direct measurements for only one, the Sun. The age estimate of 4.5 billion years is based on radioactive decay measurements of rocks from the Earth and the Moon and the fact that we know that the solar sy

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