Category: Neural coding

Drosophila connectome
The Drosophila connectome, once completed, will be a complete list of the roughly 135,000 neurons in the brain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, along with all of the connections (synapses) be
Neural correlates of consciousness
The neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) refer to the relationships between mental states and neural states and constitute the minimal set of neuronal events and mechanisms sufficient for a specif
Phase response curve
A phase response curve (PRC) illustrates the transient change (phase response) in the cycle period of an oscillation induced by a perturbation as a function of the phase at which it is received. PRCs
Phase precession
Phase precession is a neurophysiological process in which the time of firing of action potentials by individual neurons occurs progressively earlier in relation to the phase of the local field potenti
Spike directivity
Spike directivity is a vector that quantifies changes in transient charge density during action potential propagation. The digital-like uniformity of action potentials is contradicted by experimental
Neural coding
Neural coding (or Neural representation) is a neuroscience field concerned with characterising the hypothetical relationship between the stimulus and the individual or ensemble neuronal responses and
Neuronal ensemble
A neuronal ensemble is a population of nervous system cells (or cultured neurons) involved in a particular neural computation.
Hippocampal replay
Hippocampal replay is a phenomenon observed in rats, mice, cats, rabbits, songbirds and monkeys.During sleep or awake rest, replay refers to the re-occurrence of a sequence of cell activations that al
Neural binding
Neural binding is the neuroscientific aspect of what is commonly known as the binding problem: the interdisciplinary difficulty of creating a comprehensive and verifiable model for the unity of consci
Didactic organisation
Didactic organisation is the ability of neurons within a network to impart their pattern of synaptic connectivity and/or to other neurons. The term didactic is used because this kind of influence is u
Parallel processing (psychology)
In psychology, parallel processing is the ability of the brain to simultaneously process incoming stimuli of differing quality. Parallel processing is associated with the visual system in that the bra
Grandmother cell
The grandmother cell, sometimes called the "Jennifer Aniston neuron", is a hypothetical neuron that represents a complex but specific concept or object. It activates when a person "sees, hears, or oth
Neural decoding
Neural decoding is a neuroscience field concerned with the hypothetical reconstruction of sensory and other stimuli from information that has already been encoded and represented in the brain by netwo
Action potential pulse
An action potential pulse is a mathematically and experimentally correct Synchronized Oscillating Lipid Pulse coupled with an Action Potential. This is a continuation of Hodgkin Huxley's work in 1952
Action potential
An action potential occurs when the membrane potential of a specific cell location rapidly rises and falls. This depolarization then causes adjacent locations to similarly depolarize. Action potential
Retrograde tracing
Retrograde tracing is a research method used in neuroscience to trace neural connections from their point of termination (the synapse) to their source (the cell body). Retrograde tracing techniques al
BRAIN Initiative
The White House BRAIN Initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) is a collaborative, public-private research initiative announced by the Obama administration on April 2
Central pattern generator
Central pattern generators (CPGs) are self-organizing biological neural circuits that produce rhythmic outputs in the absence of rhythmic input. They are the source of the tightly-coupled patterns of
Neural circuit reconstruction
Neural circuit reconstruction is the reconstruction of the detailed circuitry of the nervous system (or a portion of the nervous system) of an animal. It is sometimes called EM reconstruction since th
High-frequency oscillations
High-frequency oscillations (HFO) are brain waves of the frequency faster than ~80 Hz, generated by neuronal cell population. High-frequency oscillations can be recorded during an electroencephalagram
Volley theory
Volley theory states that groups of neurons of the auditory system respond to a sound by firing action potentials slightly out of phase with one another so that when combined, a greater frequency of s
Efficient coding hypothesis
The efficient coding hypothesis was proposed by Horace Barlow in 1961 as a theoretical model of sensory coding in the brain. Within the brain, neurons communicate with one another by sending electrica
Neural oscillation
Neural oscillations, or brainwaves, are rhythmic or repetitive patterns of neural activity in the central nervous system. Neural tissue can generate oscillatory activity in many ways, driven either by
Sensory neuroscience
Sensory neuroscience is a subfield of neuroscience which explores the anatomy and physiology of neurons that are part of sensory systems such as vision, hearing, and olfaction. Neurons in sensory regi
Phase resetting in neurons
Phase resetting in neurons is a behavior observed in different biological oscillators and plays a role in creating neural synchronization as well as different processes within the body. Phase resettin
Large-scale brain network
Large-scale brain networks (also known as intrinsic brain networks) are collections of widespread brain regions showing functional connectivity by statistical analysis of the fMRI BOLD signal or other