Category: Matthew effect

Too big to fail
"Too big to fail" (TBTF) and "too big to jail" is a theory in banking and finance that asserts that certain corporations, particularly financial institutions, are so large and so interconnected that t
Parable of the talents or minas
The Parable of the Talents (also the Parable of the Minas) is one of the parables of Jesus. It appears in two of the synoptic, canonical gospels of the New Testament: * Matthew 25:14–30 * Luke 19:11
Famous for being famous
Famous for being famous is a term for someone who attains celebrity status for no clearly identifiable reason (as opposed to fame based on achievement, skill, or talent) and appears to generate their
Preferential attachment
A preferential attachment process is any of a class of processes in which some quantity, typically some form of wealth or credit, is distributed among a number of individuals or objects according to h
Matthew effect
The Matthew effect of accumulated advantage, Matthew principle, or Matthew effect, is the tendency of individuals to accrue social or economic success in proportion to their initial level of popularit
Attention inequality
Attention inequality is a term used to denote the inequality of distribution of attention across users on social networks, people in general, and for scientific papers. Yun Family Foundation introduce
15 minutes of fame
15 minutes of fame is short-lived media publicity or celebrity of an individual or phenomenon. The expression was inspired by a quotation misattributed to Andy Warhol: "In the future, everyone will be
Cumulative inequality theory
Cumulative inequality theory or Cumulative Disadvantage Theory is the systematic explanation of how inequalities develop. The theory was initially developed by Merton in 1988, who studied the sciences
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" is an aphorism due to Percy Bysshe Shelley. In A Defence of Poetry (1821, not published until 1840) Shelley remarked that the promoters of utility had exe
Woozle effect
The Woozle effect, also known as evidence by citation, occurs when a source is widely cited for a claim it does not adequately support, giving said claim undeserved credibility. If replication studies