Category: Computable analysis

Computability in Analysis and Physics
Computability in Analysis and Physics is a monograph on computable analysis by Marian Pour-El and J. Ian Richards. It was published by Springer-Verlag in their Perspectives in Mathematical Logic serie
Computable analysis
In mathematics and computer science, computable analysis is the study of mathematical analysis from the perspective of computability theory. It is concerned with the parts of real analysis and functio
Specker sequence
In computability theory, a Specker sequence is a computable, monotonically increasing, bounded sequence of rational numbers whose supremum is not a computable real number. The first example of such a
Weihrauch reducibility
In computable analysis, Weihrauch reducibility is a notion of reducibility between multi-valued functions on represented spaces that roughly captures the uniform computational strength of computationa
Computable real function
In mathematical logic, specifically computability theory, a function is sequentially computable if, for every of real numbers, the sequence is also computable. A function is effectively uniformly cont
Effective Polish space
In mathematical logic, an effective Polish space is a complete separable metric space that has a . Such spaces are studied in effective descriptive set theory and in constructive analysis. In particul
Effective dimension
In mathematics, effective dimension is a modification of Hausdorff dimension and other fractal dimensions that places it in a computability theory setting. There are several variations (various notion
Computable measure theory
In mathematics, computable measure theory is the part of computable analysis that deals with effective versions of measure theory.
Modulus of convergence
In real analysis, a branch of mathematics, a modulus of convergence is a function that tells how quickly a convergent sequence converges. These moduli are often employed in the study of computable ana