Category: Abelian group theory

Elementary abelian group
In mathematics, specifically in group theory, an elementary abelian group (or elementary abelian p-group) is an abelian group in which every nontrivial element has order p. The number p must be prime,
In mathematics, a corestriction of a function is a notion analogous to the notion of a restriction of a function. The duality prefix co- here denotes that while the restriction changes the domain to a
Locally compact abelian group
In several mathematical areas, including harmonic analysis, topology, and number theory, locally compact abelian groups are abelian groups which have a particularly convenient topology on them. For ex
Cotorsion group
In abelian group theory, an abelian group is said to be cotorsion if every extension of it by a torsion-free group splits. If the group is , this says that for all torsion-free groups . It suffices to
Torsion (algebra)
In mathematics, specifically in ring theory, a torsion element is an element of a module that yields zero when multiplied by some non-zero-divisor of the ring. The torsion submodule of a module is the
Pure subgroup
In mathematics, especially in the area of algebra studying the theory of abelian groups, a pure subgroup is a generalization of direct summand. It has found many uses in abelian group theory and relat
Divisible group
In mathematics, especially in the field of group theory, a divisible group is an abelian group in which every element can, in some sense, be divided by positive integers, or more accurately, every ele
Group of rational points on the unit circle
In mathematics, the rational points on the unit circle are those points (x, y) such that both x and y are rational numbers ("fractions") and satisfy x2 + y2 = 1. The set of such points turns out to be
Prüfer theorems
In mathematics, two Prüfer theorems, named after Heinz Prüfer, describe the structure of certain infinite abelian groups. They have been generalized by L. Ya. Kulikov.
Butler group
In mathematics, a Butler group is a group that is the image of a completely decomposable abelian group of finite rank. They were introduced by M. C. R. Butler.
Torsion subgroup
In the theory of abelian groups, the torsion subgroup AT of an abelian group A is the subgroup of A consisting of all elements that have finite order (the torsion elements of A). An abelian group A is
Torsion abelian group
In abstract algebra, a torsion abelian group is an abelian group in which every element has finite order. For example, the torsion subgroup of an abelian group is a torsion abelian group.
Minkowski addition
In geometry, the Minkowski sum (also known as dilation) of two sets of position vectors A and B in Euclidean space is formed by adding each vector in A to each vector in B, i.e., the set Analogously,
Prüfer group
In mathematics, specifically in group theory, the Prüfer p-group or the p-quasicyclic group or p∞-group, Z(p∞), for a prime number p is the unique p-group in which every element has p different p-th r
Locally cyclic group
In mathematics, a locally cyclic group is a group (G, *) in which every finitely generated subgroup is cyclic.
Ulm's theorem
No description available.
Torsion-free abelian group
In mathematics, specifically in abstract algebra, a torsion-free abelian group is an abelian group which has no non-trivial torsion elements; that is, a group in which the group operation is commutati
Algebraically compact group
In mathematics, in the realm of abelian group theory, a group is said to be algebraically compact if it is a direct summand of every abelian group containing it as a pure subgroup. Equivalent characte
Essential subgroup
In mathematics, especially in the area of algebra studying the theory of abelian groups, an essential subgroup is a subgroup that determines much of the structure of its containing group. The concept
Abelian 2-group
In mathematics, an Abelian 2-group is a higher dimensional analogue of an Abelian group, in the sense of higher algebra, which were originally introduced by Alexander Grothendieck while studying abstr
Basic subgroup
In abstract algebra, a basic subgroup is a subgroup of an abelian group which is a direct sum of cyclic subgroups and satisfies further technical conditions. This notion was introduced by L. Ya. Kulik
Slender group
In mathematics, a slender group is a torsion-free abelian group that is "small" in a sense that is made precise in the definition below.
Bivariant theory
In mathematics, a bivariant theory was introduced by Fulton and MacPherson, in order to put a ring structure on the Chow group of a singular variety, the resulting ring called an operational Chow ring
Topological abelian group
In mathematics, a topological abelian group, or TAG, is a topological group that is also an abelian group.That is, a TAG is both a group and a topological space, the group operations are continuous, a
Free abelian group
In mathematics, a free abelian group is an abelian group with a basis. Being an abelian group means that it is a set with an addition operation that is associative, commutative, and invertible. A basi
Herbrand quotient
In mathematics, the Herbrand quotient is a quotient of orders of cohomology groups of a cyclic group. It was invented by Jacques Herbrand. It has an important application in class field theory.
An integer is the number zero (0), a positive natural number (1, 2, 3, etc.) or a negative integer with a minus sign (−1, −2, −3, etc.). The negative numbers are the additive inverses of the correspon
Cyclic group
In group theory, a branch of abstract algebra in pure mathematics, a cyclic group or monogenous group is a group, denoted Cn, that is generated by a single element. That is, it is a set of invertible
Height (abelian group)
In mathematics, the height of an element g of an abelian group A is an invariant that captures its divisibility properties: it is the largest natural number N such that the equation Nx = g has a solut
Norm (abelian group)
In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, if is an (abelian) group with identity element then is said to be a norm on if: 1. * Positive definiteness: , 2. * Subadditivity: , 3. * Inversion (Sy
Baer–Specker group
In mathematics, in the field of group theory, the Baer–Specker group, or Specker group, named after Reinhold Baer and Ernst Specker, is an example of an infinite Abelian group which is a building bloc
Rank of an abelian group
In mathematics, the rank, Prüfer rank, or torsion-free rank of an abelian group A is the cardinality of a maximal linearly independent subset. The rank of A determines the size of the largest free abe
Abelian Lie group
In geometry, an abelian Lie group is a Lie group that is an abelian group. A connected abelian real Lie group is isomorphic to . In particular, a connected abelian (real) compact Lie group is a torus;
Finitely generated abelian group
In abstract algebra, an abelian group is called finitely generated if there exist finitely many elements in such that every in can be written in the form for some integers . In this case, we say that
Abelian group
In mathematics, an abelian group, also called a commutative group, is a group in which the result of applying the group operation to two group elements does not depend on the order in which they are w
Primary cyclic group
In mathematics, a primary cyclic group is a group that is both a cyclic group and a p-primary group for some prime number p.That is, it is a cyclic group of order pm, Cpm, for some prime number p, and